Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am near the end of the book Suzuki Cello book 1. I am practicing now about 30 minutes a day. This is not a very easy piece. I am still working on my bowing technique and on the A string I am still having to turn my Cello to try to accomplish playing notes on the A string better. My bowing still needs a lot of work. I will continue to work on my bowing. I am also practicing the C major scale.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Here I am

This is my very first blog. I am fifty years old, have 4 wonderful children and four equally wonderful grandchildren and one day back in August I was listening to the Classical Music radio station and heard this melodic sound and knew instantly that I have to learn to play this instrument. I am constantly trying to find my place in life and I try to listen to see where God wants me to be. Sometimes I dont listen like I should but, I am a work in progress. A week or so later I called several music shops and priced the rental of cellos and went to one of our music shops and rented a Cello and after several attempts found a cello teacher.

My Cello teacher is a very nice person who is a Cellist with the philharmonic in my area and does not mind at all to teach a person my age to learn to play the Cello. I am almost thru book one of the Suzuki Cello.

Some of my pieces are still very slow and not the tempo that it should be. Frustrating I am at times but I am determined not to give up. I seem to always start things and not become proficient at it. I am a Crocheter but not proficient. I do Redwork but not proficient. One thing I am proficient at is Quilting. I love to quilt. You should see my quilting area. So much fabric and sewing machines. But, that is my first love. Now it appears so is Cello playing .

If I was to range my skill level from 1 to 100 I would consider myself a 3 (LOL). I am not giving up.

Are there any other newbies out there?